Tarot/Oracle Reading Consultations and Dream Interpretations



You are being asked to REALLY be aware of your thoughts… your angels see how you go through your day judging every little thing from yourself and others- is this good, is this bad?

TODAY, you are asked to practice non-judgement. Can you imagine what it would be like to simply experience something without judgment?

TODAY, pick random moments and try not to think about whether something is good or bad … just observe the sensations of the moment. Don’t think about those sensations, just experience them.

Life is just happening – the wind is just blowing, the birds are flying, people are going about daily activity – it’all happening without any good or bad intention. Until you infuse the feeling.

Your angels want you to know that your ‘feelings’ about any given thing has a history of “WHY” you like something or not. You are not the center of the universe you are part of it all – and you too are just happening. When you begin to practice non-judgement you begin to let go of your frustrations, anger and fears… you begin to feel free.

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