Tarot/Oracle Reading Consultations and Dream Interpretations


About Metatron

ABOUT: Archangel Metatron is known as the angel of life. Guards the Tree of Life and writes down the good deeds people do on Earth, as well as what happens in heaven, in the Book of Life (aka Akashic Records).

His healing is sent in the form of the vibration of sacred geometric shapes entering our system at our crown chakra and flowing through all chakras for perfect balance. We can ask for healing of one chakra or all chakras. Asking for healing of all chakras can lead to intense spiritual experiences. (be warned your life may be turned inside out- go slow)

How does Archangel Metatron respond? You may perceive sensations at the time, for example tingling, warmth in the chakra areas, or a sense of peace in the heart center, or an absolute knowing that your call has been heard. You may experience an incredible influx of energy, or alternatively feel like hibernating and introspecting, because Metatron has asked you to look inside for your answers.

*If you are new to ‘trusting’ or ‘following’ your intuition (gut feeling) it’s okay – be patient with yourself, if you are willing to open to this new communication it’s just like any new language one day it will just happen.

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