As the moon journeys into darkness you too can use that as an example to allow your angels to help you with those disturbing issues that taunt your mind. When you let go of tangible things you can touch or the non-tangibles such as feelings and habits you create a VOID. In the Divine nothing remains empty for long, nor dark.
You as part of nature are now entering a short cycle where you can release your fears, you can let go of things that no longer are relevant to the person you are now. Realize that while you choose to hold on to your old ways, old thoughts, old habits you can not progress forward. Until you create a void… everything will remain the same.
TODAY, your angels want you to be aware of what you intend in your life – be mindful of what thoughts you entertain – look at your vessel (life, mind, body and soul). If you could change something today (could be physical or a habit, a way of thinking etc) what would you replace it with?
Nature has a way of filling empty spaces. YOU are filling the void. Abundance is coming your way – what kind of abundance will you choose- sorrow, pity, pain, suffering….. or love, happiness, money, health?
Use this time to concentrate on the things you want the most and you will set in motion the law of abundance.