Consulting Services:
- 20 Minute Tarot Reading allows time for one topic to be explored. Phone or in Person consultation.
- 40 Minute Tarot Reading this session is a deep-dive into one or more topics. Up to three topics or questions may be explored (depending on their complexity). Phone or in Person consultation.
- 12 Month Reading – Wondering what the next 12 months will bring? It will include an overview of the theme for the whole year ahead for you, followed by a one card reading for each of the 12 individual months ahead. Phone or in Person consultation.
- Dream Interpretation – interpreting dreams is a useful tool to help you explore and bring clarity to what may be going behind some of the issues you are dealing with, while potentially providing insight into what needs addressing. This service covers up to two dreams and offered via phone consultation or in person.
“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”
Sigmund Freud
- Membership also includes one personal card draw delivered via community chat!
Tarot Cards
… are the most common form of card reading, and have been around for many years. The standard tarot card deck is designed to resemble a Hero’s novel – they are well drawn and tell a very compelling story. These cards provide structure.
With 4 suits in each deck (the suits can vary between decks) each tarot card reading can be different and each reader will give a different reading depending on the client (querent). Whatever the client is going through at the time, the tarot cards will reflect and guide the client to the answers they seek. While rigid in structure, the cards rarely miss their mark.
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